Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Introducing Dior Magazine!

As some of you know Dior, a five-star Fashion Industry has been running strong for quite a while now. If you don't, WELCOME TO DIOR MAGAZINE! annnnyway, Dior has decided to make an all new Magazine! Here, you will find all the updates on all things Dior. Wether it is Fahsion Shows, special events, or even new Magazine Issues. Which brings me too my next topic. After looking through the Habbo Dior group forums, I saw a lot of people's photo shoots lost waaay in the back. I thought to myself "All those people's photo shoots were hardly noticed, it's a shame since they worked pretty hard on it" then something went off in my brain. Does Dior have a Magazine? after doing a bit of research, it occurred to me that an amazing fashion industry like Dior, has no tabloid of any kind. So we've decided to make one. Our goal is too have a new issue every month. So here you will find the latest Habbo Dior Mag.
but this is only Dior's blog. THAT down there my friend (look two centimeters to the south) is the Official Magazine

Official Dior Magazine Issue One

If YOU want to be in the magazine, or a apart of anything else in Habbo Dior, come join today!
(everyone is accepted, we are not normists) ;)

Habbo Dior Headquarters